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How Do You Make Humans In Little Alchemy 2

How to Create Humans in Little Alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2: A Guide to Creating Humans

Little Alchemy 2, the captivating puzzle game, offers players a fascinating journey of elemental combinations to create new objects.

The Alchemy of Human Creation

In Little Alchemy 2, the path to creating humans differs from its predecessor. Unlike in Little Alchemy 1, humans are not a primary element. Instead, they require the fusion of two specific elements: Life and Clay.

Life, an essential component of biological existence, can be obtained by combining Air and Fire. Clay, on the other hand, a solid earthy substance, is formed by uniting Earth and Water.

By combining Life and Clay in your alchemy cauldron, you will witness the creation of Human, an embodiment of both physicality and consciousness.

Official Cheats and Hints

To assist players in their alchemical endeavors, Little Alchemy 2 provides official hints and cheats. These resources can guide you in discovering the necessary combinations, including the creation of humans.

The official cheat guide for Little Alchemy 2 offers specific clues to help you craft humans. These hints may vary depending on the platform and version of the game.


Little Alchemy 2's ability to create humans through the fusion of Life and Clay highlights the game's imaginative possibilities and the transformative power of alchemy. As players explore the depths of this elemental world, they gain a newfound appreciation for the interplay between the physical and metaphysical, leaving a lasting impression of the creativity and depth that this game has to offer.
